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Thursday, February 5, 2009
Conference Room – Senior Center

Present:      Rev. Dr. Jerry Heslinga; Cheryl Owoc; Barbara Anger; Albert Ferron;
Louise Charbonneau; Jim Robinson; Maureen Buffone

Barbara Anger moved to accept the minutes from the January 15, 2009 meeting, which was
seconded by Cheryl Owoc and passed unanimously.

F.H.C.O.A. REPORT - Barbara Anger
Barbara did not have a treasurer's report, as the treasurer is still ill. The Valentine's Day Cookie Sale is scheduled for Friday, February 13, 2009 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

HELP AT HOME - Jim Robsinon
Jim Robinson reported that it has been another good month. He submitted a report showing a combined balance of $26,958.96, which included receipts for January in the amount of $3,100.00 and one (1) disbursement in the amount of $400.00. Davis Hill contributed $1,500.00 from their turkey trot, $500.00 was received from the First Congregational Church and the balance was from private donations. Jim will recommend transferring the balance from the Help at H.O.M.E. account into the Welcome Aldrich account. Louise suggested leaving a small balance for months when Jean Berg "freezes" the Welcome Aldrich account.

Louise will meet with Melissa at the Landmark some time in February to discuss putting an article in the newspaper, geared toward seniors, regarding Help at H.O.M.E.

No representation

COORDINATOR'S REPORT - Louise Charbonneau
Louise reported that Dr. Virginia Heslinga was in yesterday to speak about her newly released book, Wounded Dove. There were 30 people in attendance. The rest of February's events include: Thurs., Feb. 5 - Movie "Impromptu;" Wed., Feb. 11 - Coffee with Jane Dutton; Thurs., Feb. 12 - WBZ-TV's Barry Burbank; Fri., Feb. 13 - Valentine's Day Cookie Sale; Valentine's Day Celebration; Mon., Feb. 16 - Sr. Center Closed-President's Day holiday; Thurs., Feb. 19 - Bring a Grandchild to Lunch with entertainment by John Root; Mon., Feb. 23 - Great Potato Bake (with Linda Seger); Wed., Feb. 25 -  7 Simple Steps to a Safer, Stronger Senior (Linda Grimm volunteered to do this program); Thurs., Feb. 26 - Movie "Love Story."

Louise told the board that once again, we are having issues with the roof and the ice, which has been more significant than in the past. The leaks are not only in the dining room, but also in the handicapped bathroom; arts and crafts room; ladies room and two (2) of the offices. Rich DeWitt from the DPW and Jacquie Kelly came over to assess the situation and came up with three (3) possible solutions: remove gutters, except over the entrances and exits; remove some of the shingles from the lower part of the roof and replace with aluminum; or install heating cables all around the building. A contractor was here last week to look into what can be done with the most success and effective cost. That estimate will be given to the town manager for inclusion in the 2010 budget.

The American Red Cross called Louise last week asking to hold a blood drive at the senior center once each month. Having them here is a significant disruption in our schedule. They have held drives at the high school, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Holden Chapel and Holden Hills, so it is not like the senior center is the only venue in town. Louise told them she would rather not commit to having them here every month, but that she would not object to continuing to hold a blood drive here once or twice a year, as we have previously done.

Louise reported that Secretary of Elder Affairs, Michael Festa resigned his position at the end of January, effective immediately. The news stories reported that he resigned due to conflicts with his supervisor, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Judith Bigby. Much of what was under Secretary Festa's purview was going to be reassigned to Secretary Bigby's office, and Secretary Festa felt that elders would fall through bureaucratic cracks. After his resignation, that transfer of responsibility did not happen. Louise was very saddened to hear of his resignation, in that she felt that he was more about advocating for elders than politics. Al Ferron suggested writing a letter to the governor stating it was a bad move. Louise said she will put something together and email it to Jerry, who should also sign the letter.

a. Newsletter Update
Once again this month, we had difficulty receiving the newsletter in a timely fashion. We contacted Alpha Graphics, where our newsletter had been printed over the last few months, and were informed that Mr. Dorren had decided, of his own accord, to become an independent printer. The result of this venture was very poor, as February's newsletters have shown. While he assures us he won't use that particular printer again, one must wonder how he will be able to get a quality result. We will continue to work toward switching to Senior Citizen Publishing by year's end. The one concern that Louise has and several others have expressed is that one month in the near future, we'll be left high and dry.
b. Policy on Outside for Profit Groups
Louise apologized that due to the storm and some family issues she has had to deal with recently, she wasn't able to work on this or the energy fee policies. As we have been bombarded with phone calls, Clare suggested holding an informational day where we can put information out and charge for the tables. Jerry said it sounds like a good idea and should be well received. He suggested keeping long term care separate from financial. Paula, Cheryl and Clare will work together to plan an event, possibly for May.

Al suggested contacting some of the seniors that were in during the ice storm to try to get them to come in for lunch and socialization. Louise was not given a list of the people who came in, but Paula and Cheryl will try to get in touch with the people they remember.

Jerry asked about an ice storm reunion, but there is nothing in the works right now.


It was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 a.m.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, March 5, 2009 at 8:00 a.m. at the Holden Senior Center.

Respectfully Submitted,
Maureen Buffone